* Fixed: Mobile - Header Split + Mobile Header Minimal - Logo align
* Fixed: Shop - Widget: Product Search - Form width
* Pre-built website: Company 3, County

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- header-shop.php
- header.php
- style.css
- css/responsive.css
- css/woocommerce.css
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Header Plain - Menu: Hide Border between Items - Affects all header borders
[ Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Menu > Options: Hide Border between Items ]
* Fixed: Portfolio - jQuery filtering + Disable details - Lightbox gallery - Current category
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Background position: Parallax
* Fixed: Dark - FAQ item - Border & icon color
* Pre-built website: Landing 2, Crypto Currency

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style-responsive.php
- style.css
- css/layout.css
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- js/scripts.js
* Added: Map Basic Item - Iframe Google Map (does not require Google Maps API key),
Embed Google Map (show map by address or place name without precise coordinates)
* Pre-built website: Gym 2, Coffee 2

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- functions/builder/css/style.css
- functions/builder/images/items/map.png
- functions/builder/images/items/map_basic.png
- functions/builder/js/scripts.js
- functions/builder/fields.php
- functions/builder/front.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/plugins/visual-composer.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
- muffin-options/css/options.css
- muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Add Section as the first or the last section
* Fixed: Comments Form - Cookies acceptance checkbox - Display inline
* Pre-built website: Garden 3, Travel 2

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- css/shortcodes.css
- functions/builder/css/style.css
- functions/builder/images/logo.png
- functions/builder/js/scripts.js
- functions/builder/back.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- muffin-options/img/logo.png
* Pre-built website: Security 2, Funeral Home

- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
* Fixed: Post Classes - Show author class only if filter by author is enabled
* Fixed: Dark - Icon Bar inside List Item - Icon color
* Fixed: Header Creative - Transparent - Navigation: Sticky Arrows
* Fixed: Responsive - Side Slide Menu - Revolution Slider width on menu close
* Fixed: BeTheme Dashboard - Install Plugins - Bulk Install - Minor PHP Warning
* Pre-built website: Accountant, Adventure

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- index.php
- style-responsive.php
- style.css
- css/layout.css
- css/responsive.css
- functions/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- includes/content-post.php
- js/scripts.js
* Fixed: Tabs Item - Protection against adding a tab shortcode inside another tab
* Pre-built website: Mechanic 3, Hairdresser

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
Added: Theme Options - Colors - Action Button
[ Theme Options > Colors > Header > Action Button ]
If you use Action Button please adjust colors after update
* Fixed: Header Plain + Mobile Minimal Header - Layout: Logo center
* Fixed: Style: Simple - Blog & Portfolio - Filters - Align
* Fixed: Share Box - Style: Simple - Twitter share URL
* Pre-built website: Fitness 2, Actor

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style-colors.php
- style-one.php
- style-responsive.php
- style.css
- style.php
- css/base.css
- css/layout.css
- css/responsive.css
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- includes/header-side-slide.php
- includes/header-top-bar-right.php
- muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Section, Wrap, Column - Background Color - Alpha channel (transparency)
* Pre-built website: Farm, Decor 2

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- functions/builder/fields.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- muffin-options/css/options.css
- muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.js
- muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php
- muffin-options/validation/color/validation_color.php
- muffin-options/theme-options.php