* fixed: saving template from editor messed up template header
* fixed: bulk deletion with actions working again
* fixed: auto responder no longer triggered if post is published in the past
* fixed: shortcodes are now handled properly on the web version
* added: text strings for error messages defined by the security settings page
* improved: ajax handler
  • fixed: bulk options causes a subscriber query error.
  • fixed: duplicating forms throw an error.
  • fixed: some notifications missed template defined settings.
  • change: optional warmup has been extended to 60 days.
  • improved: database errors during cron tried to get fixed automatically.
  • added: reminder to enable auto updates after a Mailster update.
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Reactions: godowsky
  • added: editing templates on the templates page is back
  • fixed: mergetags now work correctly in image URL field if fallback is present
  • fixed: draft campaigns can now get duplicated
  • fixed: install plugins on addon page is working
  • fixed: problem if PHPMailer is loaded in another plugin
  • fixed: installed templates were not access able when no required Mailster version was set
  • improved upgrade process from 2.4.x
  • smaller bug fixes
  • fixed: warning on dashboard
  • fixed: JS error in Firefox on WP 5.6
  • improved: order by status now respects timestamps of campaigns.
  • fixed: prevent URL hijacking by only allowing links from either the same domain or explicitly in the campaign.
  • enabled: honeypot mechanism as the bug in Chrome has been fixed
* added: option to remove subscribers with all assigned actions.
* improved: handling of folder names during template upload
* fixed: saving queued campaigns cause sending them immediately
* fixed: campaigns with no web version show in archive
* fixed: small JS issues
* change: changing the email address on the profile sets status to pending and sends confirmation message if double opt in is enabled.
* change: the most recent notification is now displayed at the top.
* added: `mailster_register_dynamic_post_type` action hook to add custom dynamic post types.
* added: option to disable in-app-unsubscribe option
* fixed: issue where editor is not loading with some themes activated
* fixed: JS error if inline editor is not used
* fixed: people got unsubscribed if bounce address is the same as sign up notifications email.
* improved: User Agent handling.
* improved: pasting text from external source.
* improved: better support fro data-uris in style declarations.
* improved: better handling of sending HTML message with third party plugins
* removed: Gmail delivery option (fallback to SMTP)
* deprecated: use of Gmail via LSA as announced via [Google](https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/12/less-secure-apps-oauth-google-username-password-incorrect.html). Please use our dedicate Gmail addon instead.
* new: option to pick emoji for subject, preheader and from name
* improved: refactoring of JavaScript
* improved: refactoring of action based auto responders
* improved: campaigns in conditions are now ordered alphabetically.
* improved: content is now pasted as plain text instead of rich type
* fixed: creating campaigns with feeds which timeout causes empty autoresponders.
* fixed: redirection error on confirmation
* fixed: result of empty lists is no longer null
* fixed: links in iframe forms open now in parent window.
* fixed: issue where resuming a campaign on stats page is not possible.
* added: 'mailster_register_form_signup_field' filter hook to modify signup checkbox on registration screen.
* added: more bulk options to campaign overview.
  • fixed: escaped content on edit screen.
  • fixed: escaped several strings.
  • improved: United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union.
fixed: single quote in subject now correctly encoded
  • improved: you can now encode tags output with an exclamation mark {!mytag}.
  • improved: drag n drop images from your desktop now respects cropped image setting.
  • improved: import screen.
  • improved: test mails now fallback to the current users email if not defined.
  • improved: subscriber query now search for ID as well.
  • fixed: notifications to multiple addresses.
  • fixed: modules without content sometimes preserve in the campaign.
  • fixed: issue with RSS campaigns on time based autoresponders.
  • fixed: wrong subscriber count if status “pending” in subscriber query.
  • fixed: cumulative count calculations.
  • fixed: redirecting issue with spaces in URLs.
  • updated to latest coding standards
  • code refactoring