- [Added] Cookies alert

- [Fixed] Removed sidebar movement when scrolling

- [Fixed] Previous minor bugs
- [Added] Controlling the length of post characters from the admin panel (600 / or arbitrary)

- [Added] System of notification settings

- [Added] API endpoints

- [Enabled] Login with username

- [Added] Dark / light theme mode

- [Added] Profile privacy (Who can see profile)

- [Improved] Post OG data system

- [Added] Post privacy (Who can reply)

- [Added] Polls system

- [Added] Video lightbox system

- [Added] Swifts system (User stories system)

- [Added] Admin ads management system

- [Added] Ad page view system (For admin)

- [Added] Follow privacy system (Who can follow me)

- [Added] GDRP system (Import my information)

- [Improved] Pages loading speed

- [Improved] Improved interface design

- [Fixed] Previous bugs

- And many more improvements in the core of the script and improved system quality