WordPress Automatic Plugin

WP WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.58.1 Nulled

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- NEW: option to add woo product as a simple product
- NEW: Youtube option to add title tag to embed code
- Improved: Reddit gfycat better higher quality mp4 video embeds
- Improved: Multi-Page scraper next page extraction by REGEX now supports meta format
- Improved: Specific part extraction to custom field can now be used in post content
- Improved: Minimum MySQL version check added
- Fix: Vimeo no new content fix
- Fix: FB shared posts full content now get imported
- Fix: If active, proxies are now used with multi-page scraper
- Fix: FB comments now back to work after a change from FB side
- Fix: titleonly in search and replace now work on set rule only
- Fix: original title from og:title option now function correctly
3.39.3 Updated